Discover Your Learning Strengths
Recommended for students of all majors
Career Path Suggestions
Recommended for students pursuing business and management-related fields
Explore Personality Traits(HPI)
Recommended for individuals who want to understand and optimize reputation impact of their personality
Discover Values and Motivations (MVPI)
Recommended for individuals who want to gain a deeper understanding of their core values and driving motivations
Comprehensive Career Guidance
Recommended for students of all majors, especially those interested in combining strengths with career planning
Group Coaching
1:1 Coaching
Discover Your Learning Strengths
- Assessment: CliftonStrengths® Assessment (Student Version), providing a report on your top 5 strengths.
- Online Workshop: Guidance on how to understand and leverage your strengths for more effective understanding of the learning from the report. (1.5 hours).
- Self-awareness: Understand your top 5 strengths.
- Application: Learn how to effectively apply your strengths in an academic environment.
- Confidence: Use your strengths to study more effectively and become more confident.
Career Path Suggestions
- Assessment: CareerLeader® Assessment (Student Version), providing a report on skills, interests, and personalized career recommendations.
- Online Workshop: Guidance on understanding different factors such as skills, interests, and providing career path suggestions (1.5 hours).
- Career Guidance: Gain a clear understanding of career options based on your individual skills and interests.
- Strategic Decision-Making: Learn how to make strategic career choices that align with your strengths and interests.
- Confidence: Choose a career path that fits your personal identity to boost your confidence.
Explore Personality Traits
- Assessment: Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), providing generalized explanation of personality traits.
- Online Workshop: A session offering insights into personality traits and their impact on job performance (1.5 hours).
- Career Orientation: Gain a clear perspective on career options based on your personal skills and interests.
- Appropriate Decision-Making: Learn how to make strategic career choices aligned with your strengths and interests.
- Confidence: Choose a career path that aligns with your personal identity to increase your confidence.
Discover Values and Motivations (MVPI)
- Assessment: Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI), focusing on identifying personal values and motivations that drive career goals.
- Online Workshop: A session offering detailed understanding of how values and motivations influence career choices and job performance (1.5 hours).
- Self-awareness: Understand the core values that drive your career decisions.
- Application: Learn how to align your career choices with your personal values and motivations.
- Confidence: Clarify your career and life goals to confidently pursue your chosen path.
Comprehensive Career Guidance
- Includes: Both solutions “Discover Your Learning Strengths” and “Career Path Suggestions".
- Online Workshop: To integrate strengths with career recommendations (2 sessions, each 1.5 hours).
- Reference Material: Book "Learn Deeply - Reflect Swiftly - Achieve Early".
- Comprehensive Career Planning: Gain a complete understanding of your strengths and how they impact career development.
- Strategic Development Integration: Learn how to combine your strengths with career suggestions to build a career development strategy and plan.
- Book "Learn Deeply - Reflect Swiftly - Achieve Early"
- Shares the author’s personal and professional experiences to enhance career development.
- A book that sparks career reflection, sharing practical experiences and highly applicable methods for effective career development.
Group Coaching
- Learn from the experiences and insights of peers.
- Gain diverse perspectives through constructive feedback.
- Build lasting connections within a growth-oriented community.
1:1 Coaching
- Individualized focus on strengths, motivations, and values.
- Develop actionable plans with clear goals and milestones.
- Address personal challenges with dedicated expert support.